Did you know that jogging outside can make you stupid and cause me…

Exercising is of extreme importance because having a healthy diet simply isn’t enough these days. And while some of us prefer jogging outside instead of sweating in the gym, it looks like this may not be such a good idea.

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A study by Belgian researchers showed that jogging in a traffic-filled area may cause brain inflammation and mental decline. Furthermore, the high pollution of the environment causes great lung damage. Another research observed the effects that jogging has on people in urban and rural areas. Those subjects, who had been working out in the city three times a week for 12 weeks showed signs of mental health problems unlike the ones who had been jogging in a less polluted, rural area. The researchers examined the participants’ abilities to grasp new information and respond coherently. It turned out the air polluted cities aren’t the best place for jogging.

However, if you’re still more willing to jog outside rather than to exercise in the gym, a park would be a better choice rather than a traffic-filled street.

When Inside....Did You Know That Buses Don’t Need Seat Belts Because, When Inside

Have you ever wondered why school, highway and city buses don’t have seatbelts? The answer is simple – they don’t need them.
Since buses have high flooring and their seats are placed higher than those in other vehicles, in case of collision the damage would happen under the seating, thus keeping the passengers safe. School buses have closely placed seating with high backs, which are padded. In the event of an accident, child would be pushed forward to what seems like an early version of the airbag. This also applies for highway buses. The padded backs and the elevated floors keep the passengers safe.

Did you know that due to the High ratio of atmospheric density to surface gravity on Saturn’s…

Have you ever wanted to go out of space? Have you ever wished you could visit another planet? It appears as though you could do it with the help of attached wings on Titan, which is one of Saturn’s moons.

Did You Know That Mosquitos Prefer Biting People Who Are…

Did You Know .
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Mosquitos are known for their itchy bites and for spreading malaria among people and animals. In 2010 the malaria was the cause of death for 1.2 million people most of whom were African children.

French scientists conducted an odd study while trying to curb their way around the malaria disease. Since it occurs often among African people and since beer is the drink of choice on the African continent, the researchers used beer as their main factor. During the study 43 participant were served three cans of beer or the equivalent amount of water. Later the participants were exposed to mosquitos.

The study led to a shocking revelation: beer attracts mosquitos. Those participants, who were served beer, were 30% more attractive to the winged bloodsuckers rather than those who were served water. According to the researchers, any other type of alcohol could affect the mosquitos the same way. Nevertheless, the French scientists are still not really sure what is the reason behind it.

Did You Know That A 4-Year-Old Boy Claims To Be The Reincarnation

One of the world’s most researched phenomenon is the one of reincarnation. The concept that some part of the soul of a person is reborn into a completely new life after their death is still eluding modern day scientists. There are thousands of documented cases in which people claim to be possessed by a reincarnated soul of another person or a distant relative.

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Did you know that there is a parasite turns snails into zombies and makes them…

A National Geographic scientist explains the odd phenomenon, which is killing snails all over North America.

Wicked witch of Orion

A witch appears to be screaming out into space (her nose points to the right halfway up the frame) in this image from NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, released Oct. 31. The infrared portrait